3d Effective use of technology

The ISTE Standards for Coaches 3d, “Personalize support for educators by planning and modeling the effective use of technology to improve student learning,” brings to the forefront the importance of partnering to personalize support for educators and how this can be brought to bare through careful demonstration of technology that enhances student learning.

Source: Social Justice Pedagogy in a Digital Age

Evidence: “One key to empowering students is identifying technology already supported within our teaching context and with which we have some experience. We, as educators, can then adapt the technology to meet the needs of fellow educators and students. Using ISTE standards to help guide this implementation can play a critical role in meeting multiple needs at the same time. For example, we can look to ISTE Coaching Standard component 3d, “Personalize support for educators by planning and modeling the effective use of technology to improve student learning.” Personalized support that meets educators where they’re at can help them in the process of empowering their students.”

Explanation: Utilizing ISTE standards to identify supported technology that can provide personalized support for educators helps facilitate effective planning and modeling of technology to improve student learning.

Source: Teaching by Design, Part Uno

Evidence: “As demonstrated by the three provided examples, appropriate engagement is key. This is as much an art as a science and will vary teacher to teacher and even class to class with the same teacher. The importance throughout different contexts is a focus on being intentional about engaging the learner. Dave Burgess is a master at this as demonstrated through his “Teach Like a Pirate” philosophy. His book, “Teach Like a Pirate, Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator” speaks to the importance of engaging students in their learning in a way that makes sense for each educator based on their respective passion, “It doesn’t matter what subject you teach, you can become totally engaging to your audience if they can feel your passion and love for what you are doing. You will draw students in as if by some magnetic force.” Passion is engaging, and it’s also contagious and spreads throughout your learning practice and to those around you. Passion is engaging.”

Explanation: It is important to individualize support for educators because all teachers are different and will utilize their passion and love of learning in different ways to effectively use technology to improve student learning.

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3a Coaching relationships

3b Digital learning content

3c Efficacy of digital learning

3d Effective use of technology
